Course curriculum

  • 1
    Lecture Series for Cell Biology
    • Lecture Notes (for all six classes)
    • Lesson 1: Introduction to the Cell
    • Quiz #1 (over Lesson #1)
    • Question and Answer Session #1
    • Lesson 2: The Mighty Mitochondrion and Cellular Respiration
    • Quiz #2 (over Lesson 2)
    • Question and Answer Session #2
    • Lesson 3: The Nucleus and Gene Expression
    • Quiz #3 (over Lesson 3)
    • Question & Answer Session #3
    • Lesson 4: The Cell Cycle (and Mitosis)
    • Quiz #4 (over Lesson 4)
    • Question & Answer Session #4
    • Lesson 5: The Cell Membrane and Membrane Transport
    • Journal Article Reference for Lesson 5: Extracellular vesicles: Exosomes, microvesicles, and friends
    • Quiz #5 (over Lesson 5)
    • Question & Answer Session #5
    • Lesson 6: Exosomes and Cellular Detoxification
    • Final Exam
    • Question & Answer Session #6