Course curriculum

  • 1
    Bone and Tissue
    • Lecture 1 - Bone Intro
    • Lecture 2 - Intro To Osseous Tissue FREE PREVIEW
    • Lecture 3 - Compact Bone
    • Lecture 4 - Spongy Bone Periosteum Endosteum
    • Lecture 5 - Bone Development And Growth
    • Lecture 6 - Blood Supply Nutritional Factors And Hormones
    • Lecture 7 - Calcium Homeostasis
    • Lecture 8 - Fractures
    • Lecture 9 - Class Quiz
    • Review Sheet
    • Lecture Slides (For Note Taking)
    • Bone and Tissue Quiz
  • 2
    Axial Skeleton
    • Lecture I - Intro To Axial Skeleton
    • Lecture II - Intro To Skull
    • Lecture III - Occipital Bone FREE PREVIEW
    • Lecture IV - Parietal & Frontal Bones
    • Lecture V - Temporal Bones
    • Lecture VI - Sinuses And Sutures
    • Lecture VII - Sphenoid
    • Lecture VIII - Ethmoid
    • Lecture IX - Intro To Facial Bones Maxillary Bones Qta
    • Lecture X - Palatine Nasal Vomer Inf Nasal Conchae
    • Lecture XI - Zygomatic Lacrimal Bones
    • Lecture XII - Mandible
    • Lecture XIII - Hyoid Ortbit Nasal Cavity Sinuses
    • Lecture XIV - Fontanelles
    • Lecture XV - Intro To Vertebral Column
    • Lecture XVI - Typical Vertebral Features
    • Lecture XVII - Cervical Vertebrae
    • Lecture XVIII - Thoracic And Lumbar Vertebrae
    • Lecture XX - Rib Cage
    • Lecture XXI - Class Quiz
    • Lecture XIX - Sacrum And Coccyx
    • Axial Skeleton - Review Questions
    • Axial Skeleton - Slides01-20 (For Note Taking)
    • Axial Skeleton - Slides21-40 (For Note Taking)
    • Axial Skeleton - Slides41-60 (For Note Taking)
    • Axial Skeleton - Slides61-80 (For Note Taking)
    • Axial Skeleton - Slides81-100 (For Note Taking)
    • Axial Skeleton - Slides101-120 (For Note Taking)
    • Axial Skeleton - Slides121-140 (For Note Taking)
    • Axial Skeleton - Slides141-160 (For Note Taking)
    • Axial Skeleton - Slides161-179 (For Note Taking)
    • Practice Labeling Exercises: Skull and Vertebrae
    • Axial Skeleton Quiz
  • 3
    Appendicular Skeleton
    • Lecture I - Pectoral Girdle
    • Lecture II - Humerus
    • Lecture III - Radius And Ulna
    • Lecture IV - Wrist And Hand FREE PREVIEW
    • Lecture IX - Class Quiz
    • Lecture V - Pelvic Girdle
    • Lecture VI - Femur
    • Lecture VII - Patella Tibia Fibula
    • Lecture VIII - Bones Of Ankle And Foot
    • Appendicular Skeleton - Review Questions
    • Appendicular Skeleton - Slides01-20 (For Note Taking)
    • Appendicular Skeleton - Slides21-40 (For Note Taking)
    • Appendicular Skeleton - Slides41-60 (For Note Taking)
    • Appendicular Skeleton - Slides61-75 (For Note Taking)
    • Practice Labeling Exercises: Appendicular Skeleton
    • Appendicular Skeleton Quiz
  • 4
    • Lecture I - Intro to Joints Fibrous Joints
    • Lecture II - Cartilagenous Joints
    • Lecture III - Synovial Joints Intro to Movements
    • Letcture IV - More Movements
    • Lecture V - Types of Synovial Joints
    • Lecture VI - Joint Disorders
    • Lecture VII - Class Quiz
    • Review Sheet
    • Lecture Slides (For Note Taking)
    • Articulations Quiz